Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sixth Word

The Sixth Word
“It is finished”
It is finished.    The accounts are satisfied. The debt is covered - Paid in full.
It is finished.    Your ransom has been negotiated. The deal is sealed. Payment made.
It is finished.   The cycle of retribution stops with me.
What is the debt? Why are we held for ransom? What’s the retribution for?
Sin is separation, distance, estrangement. It’s emptiness, nothingness – a great blankness from which we can’t escape, like a black hole.
Jesus, who knew no sin, became sin for us. He became empty, became nothing, became separated, distant, estranged, heavy with the weight of the sins of the world. He became sin for us, like a black hole.
Here’s one description of how a black hole is formed.
“As a body is crushed into a smaller and smaller volume, the gravitational attraction increases…. Eventually a point is reached when even light, which travels at 186 thousand miles a second, is not traveling fast enough to escape. (Cambridge relativity site)
Jesus poured himself out into the world completely, to displace all of its emptiness. And making himself a void, he took in all our emptiness. The weight of it began to crush him, and still he took in more and more, like an imploding star, pulling into himself all the pain and sin of the whole world, drawing it all together like a massive source of gravity until he contained it all within himself and nothing could escape.
NASA describes black hole formation this way:
“The star eventually collapses to the point of zero volume and infinite density, creating what is known as a " singularity ".
It’s that single point; that single moment of death on the cross; that single person of Jesus Christ, who drew in all sin, pain and sorrow, taking all our emptiness into himself.
It is finished.

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